Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 9 Post

Q1: Which tool did you use? Was there any noticeable difference between its results and the results from the instruction? I tried using the intersect tool. It seemed to work in the exact same way. It combined the features that overlayed the same areas, and it also included the same options for dissolving, joining attributes, etc.. I did not notice any difference between the two results.

Q2: Which tool did you use here? Why? I used the 'erase' tool. It simply cut out the area of the buffers that were overlaying the conservation areas. I used this tool due to its simplicity and efficiency.

Q3: How many features are in this layer? What is the area of the largest feature? What is the area of the smallest feature?

I found 79 features in this layer. Largest area: 7765034 Smallest area: 748

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